Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the central nervous system. When someone has Multiple Sclerosis, their immune system causes communication problems between their brain and the rest of their body by attacking the protective covering of the nerves called myelin. As the myelin deteriorates, the messages that travel along the nerve from the brain become distorted, slowed or blocked. The progression of the disease can lead to permanent damage to the nerves.

The symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis vary depending upon the person and which nerves are affected by the disease, but most often the person’s ability to move is affected. Symptoms can include anything from numbness to vision issues to dizziness. The symptoms can vary widely depending upon what parts of the body are affected and how far the disease has progressed. Once someone is diagnosed with MS, treatment continues throughout their lifetime. MS has no cure.

1.Traditional treatment options
Traditional treatments focus on managing symptoms, slowing disease progression and helping accelerate the recovery from an attack. Some people prefer to supplement traditional treatment plans with natural remedies.Traditional treatment plans include medications for various symptoms and physical therapy.

2. Natural treatment options
Multiple sclerosis home remedies include increasing exercise, exploring alternative therapies and taking appropriate supplements. Light aerobic exercise can help keep body systems functioning properly, and can help keep the body moving. In addition to exercise, meditation, visualization, and hypnotherapy can help to focus the mind and maintain positive energy. Some of the supplements that are recommended for the natural treatment of MS are CoQ10, ginkgo biloba, vitamin D, and a daily multivitamin.

3. Dietary changes
In addition to traditional treatment options and natural remedies, people who have been diagnosed with MS may need to change their diet. For a balanced multiple sclerosis diet, it is important to choose healthy foods. People with MS should include the major food groups into their eating plan. Foods that should be included are fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna, as well as lean meats like skinless chicken or turkey, beans, nuts, lentils, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. People with MS should avoid foods high in saturated fats like full fat dairy products, red meat, butter, and cheese. Caffeine and alcohol should be limited.

Although multiple sclerosis has no cure, treatment plans can be effective in managing the symptoms and speeding up recovery from an attack. As with any health related issue, medical professionals should be consulted before beginning or changing any treatment plan, including any dietary changes.