Millions of people may experience stinging, redness, or a gritty sensation of the eyes, and could have a condition known as dry eyes. Ironically, dry eyes also cause constant watery eyes. Dry eyes can be a chronic disorder that occurs when the tear glands do not produce enough tears, or when tears evaporate too fast. If left untreated it can cause complications like infections, double vision, and more.

Common causes include aging, medication, laser surgery, menopause, vitamin A deficiency, excess exposure to wind, allergies, dehydration, and autoimmune diseases. Treatments for dry eye are varied and include the following:

1. Prescription eye drops
The prescription medication Xiidra is specifically used to block the key mediators of the inflammation that causes Dry Eye Disease. This prescribed medication will help greatly to improve symptoms associated with dry eyes. Other medications are available for dry eye that are taken either orally, or used as eye drops. There may be an underlying condition that causes dry eyes, so a doctor should be consulted to determine if a prescription medication is right for you. Many natural tears eye drops are also available over the counter.

2. Warm eye compresses
Use a warm wet cloth to hold over the eyes for about five minutes. This will help reduce the symptoms resulting from dry eyes. It can also soothe the eyes and relieve everyday eye stress and strain.

3. Massage the eyes
Use a mild soap like baby shampoo or even Ivory soap. Close the eyes and apply the soap lather with the fingertips, and massage the eyelids gently. Rinse, then dry with a soft towel. This cleanses the hardened mucus from the eyes while stimulating the tear ducts.

4. Omega 3 supplements
Adding these supplements and foods that are good sources of the omega 3 fatty acids to the diet will help relieve dry eye symptoms, and reduce inflammation in the body. You can benefit from foods like fish such as sardines and salmon, flax-seed, or by taking fish oil supplements.

5. Castor oil eye drops
Castor oil may help improve the symptoms of dry eyes by reducing tear evaporation. Artificial Tears eye drops contain castor oil, and are available over the counter at most retail stores that sell health and beauty, and other medicinal products.

6. Humidifiers and other tips
There are other means by which relief of dry eye symptoms can be obtained. Using a humidifier to add a cool mist of moisture to the air, and will eliminate some of the dry moisture indoors. Blink often if you use a computer for long periods of time during the day, and wear sunglasses that have side shields to help prevent the evaporation of tears. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and stop smoking or being exposed to secondhand smoke.